The video below is a review of Hestia Tobacco's All Natural Craft Filtered Cigars by Tim Baker. The company recently started accepting Bitcoin as payment so Tim decided to give the place a shot. These cigars are designed to be similar to cigarettes but most would consider them higher quality. Tim will describe the exact differences and why he really thinks these are better and more pleasing. He will also detail his experience throughout the purchase including the payment process, shipping policies, and more. If you enjoy cigars but want to experiment with something a little different, then trying these out will definitely be worthwhile for you.
Tim Baker is a fellow Bitcoin enthusiast who wishes he bought more when it was only worth about $20. He and I have known each other for years and we still spend plenty of time together discussing Bitcoin, money, politics, and much more. He considers himself a Voluntarist and is still coming to terms with the fact that his grandmother is a Statist. All donations to the following address go straight to Tim.
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