This is episode 37 of Tim's Two Cents, the hypest podcast on your feed every week. This week Tim takes you all the way back to the beginning (or at least back to episode one). He started this show ...
This is episode 36 of Tim's Two Cents, the hypest podcast on your feed every week. This week your favorite YMB host talks about something he intimately understands: being shallow and empty. Popular things always seem to boil down ...
This is episode 35 of Tim's Two Cents, the hypest podcast on your feed every week. Are you ready to vote? No really you should vote. If you don't vote it means you hate puppies and no one will ...
This is episode 34 of Tim's Two Cents, the hypest podcast on your feed every week. Tim starts off today's show with his comprehensive playbook on how to be successful in everything. Integrity? Passion? Work-ethic? Who needs 'em? Tim ...
This is episode 33 of Tim's Two Cents – the outrageous show where Tim argues with himself. It's been awhile, but Tim hasn't forgotten about you. He's really, really busy. With stuff. That's a lie, of course. Actually Tim's ...
This is episode 32 of Tim's Two Cents – the outrageous show where Tim argues with himself. Take two. Tim recorded two episodes this week. But as he went to submit the first recording, he realized he couldn't stand ...
This is episode 30 of Tim's Two Cents – the outrageous show where Tim argues with himself. Surprisingly, the storm of the century didn't wipe Tim's town off the map yet. Everything is hunky dory, if a little soggy. ...
This is episode 29 of Tim's Two Cents – the outrageous show where Tim argues with himself. A rainstorm of biblical proportions has been raging in Tim's town for the last few days. But he never gives up, so ...