MediChain Trial of New Product Already Attracting Industry Interest

The MediChain Medical Big Data Platform is currently seeking to reform the medical records sector with the launch of a minimum viable product (MVP) at pain clinics in the UK, which help patients find ways to manage their pain from different ailments. Patient frustration over the inadequacy of the healthcare they receive and the incompleteness of the medical records held by healthcare providers is a common refrain in the media. However, doctors are just as irritated by their inability to access information on the past history of patients, caused in part by the incompatibility of the different software systems used to store records. Sometimes the so-called records even include notes hastily scribbled down by a doctor during interaction with a patient or after surgery, and then subsequently mislaid. The trial has already attracted positive feedback from major pharmaceutical companies, medical technology solution suppliers and an internationally recognized independent research institution.

The system revolves around doctors, from a searchable patient data record maintained by a doctor and listing previous appointments and the details of each visit, known as a Clincher tab, to an automatically populated log of the patient procedures conducted by different doctors, known as a practitioner's logbook. This is particularly important both for hospitals and patients as an tool to assess the work performed by different doctors. The long-term goal is to add reports on a patient's recovery after an operation.

Patients turning up for the first time are likely to benefit most from the new patient tab to be completed by receptionists, as they will see how their treatment improves from the initial visit to a doctor. For their part, hospitals will be able to monitor the treatments being offered to patients for different ailments and ensure their suitability. However, MediChain CEO Doctor Mark Baker is the first to highlight a key issue that still needs to be resolved: "Naturally, while the goal is for the Clincher tab, also affectionately known as the "address book" tab, to be uploaded onto a system online, different hospitals use a range of systems that are quite costly and on occasion incompatible."

And this is where MediChain aims to eliminate the risk by leveraging the dedicated medical blockchain it is developing to create a compliant cloud where patient data can be stored securely. Dr. Baker notes that the planned system is already gaining traction: "While we are still at an early stage, I am delighted to disclose that the Swisher Memorial Healthcare System in Texas has already agreed to partner with us on this project. And we have other players in the industry who want to become involved, from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, the technology solution provider Cerner and the Swiss SOS registry, to Australia's independent agency for scientific research CSIRO."

What's more, MediChain has received the green light from computational knowledge engine Wolfram Alpha to apply the Wolfram's machine-learning capabilities to promote automated decision-making on medical issues from stored big data.

ICOBox co-founder Mike Raitsyn, who is also a member of MediChain's advisory board, notes that the increasing interest in MediChain's project is only to be expected, especially given the company's proactive approach and expertise: "When you have a team of big data specialists, a project that targets everyone's needs and, to top it all, a visionary leader like Mark, success is a given. The company is already operating a private beta of the planned system, as their entire team is confident about what can be achieved. MediChain has already secured the backing of virtually every player in the industry. And above all, the project has an unbelievable social benefit – the use of big data to identify better treatments and even cures, saving countless lives all over the world."

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